Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum, Whitefish Bay

We also visited the oldest working lighthouse on Lake Superior—Whitefish Point Lighthouse. In 1861 President Abraham Lincoln had the lighthouse keeper’s quarters built. The lens had to be rewound every 2 ½ hours and therefore had to have two lighthouse keepers. The quarters housed the families of the lighthouse keeper and lighthouse keeper’s assistant. It was a very lonely life but these men were dedicated to their job. The woodwork and hard wood floors in the quarters are original from 1861. We also went into the Life Saving Service building which houses a replica of a rescue boat. There were 8 men who would take this boat and rescue the people from the ships at sea.

What an awesome place. The museum had stories and artifacts from many shipwrecks that have occurred on Lake Superior. The most famous being the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975. We also watched a video on the Edmund Fitzgerald and its 17 year history carrying iron ore and steel across Lake Superior.

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