Wednesday, September 5, 2012


This morning we went on an Edible Hike.  It was on the Kinnie Brook trail which was about 2.8 km.  Our guide was Ana and she was great! We learned about different trees that make up the Acadian Forest (see previous blog) and some of the things we could eat.

The first thing she did was pass around a stick that comes from a Yellow Birch tree.  It has a minty flavor to it.  You don't eat it, but just suck on it.  Very rejuvenating.

We ate something that looked almost like clover.   It was delicious.  We also ate some red berries, mountain cranberries and drank some labrodor tea.  Ana made tea and we had a drink at the end.  We talked about ferns and the best to eat are Fiddle heads--Steve and Mary know about these.

Most of the berries were gone as it is late in the season and the bears or other wildlife like them too.  It was an interesting walk.  It makes me want to search out a naturalist in our area of Virginia and see what we can eat in our forests.

Also on Thursday we went kayaking on Bennett Lake. The lake was beautiful with an island towards the opposite side of the beach. After kayaking for an hour or so we went in to take a break and Steve decided we would have our dinner on the island. We kayaked our coleman stove, cooler, and food out to the island. We had hot chicken sandwiches with gravy and canned corn with cookies for dessert. It was fabulous!!!

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